Performed at the White House for President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Over twenty million views on YouTube
Bruno Mars and Billy Joel both liked Six13's Passover versions of their songs so much, they posted them on their own Facebook pages
Thrice selected as finalists in the casting process for NBC's The Sing Off
Headlined at USY International Convention, URJ Biennial Convention, USCJ Biennial Convention, Cantors Assembly Convention, National Council of Young Israel Annual Dinner, World Union for Progressive Judaism annual dinner, and BBYO Regional Conventions
Performed 7 years running for a crowd of 30,000+ at Shea Stadium / Citi Field for the New York Mets' annual Jewish Heritage Day
Sang U.S. and Israeli national anthems at center-court at Madison Square Garden for the New York Knicks
Performed for New York City Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio at the official NYC Mayoral Chanukah Party three times
Performed four times in New York City's annual Salute To Israel Parade, and as the house band on New York's My9 television simulcast
Performed as the main event at the North American Jewish Choral Festival four times
Performed live on the 2007 and 2012 Chabad Chanukah Telethons
Performed at the first-ever kosher bar mitzvah at the prestigious New York Athletic Club in 2008
Performed at Brooklyn's Jewish Heritage Day commemoration
Selections to “Best-Of” compilations
“Uptown Passover” selected to appear on Voices Only Forte V, 2016
“V'zakeini / Vehi Sheamda” selected to appear on Sameach Music’s A Cappella Treasury, Volume 2: Yom Tov, 2014
“Kein Yikaneis” selected to appear on Sameach Music’s A Cappella Treasury, Volume 2: Yom Tov, 2014
“Good Shabbos” selected to appear on Voices Only Forte II, 2013
“Tefillin” selected to appear on Contemporary A Cappella Society of America’s Sing VII, 2010
“Tefillin” selected to appear on Best of Jewish A Cappella, Volume 2, 2010
“Im Eshkachech” selected to appear on Contemporary A Cappella Society of America’s Sing VI, 2009
“D'ror Yikra” selected to appear on Transcontinental Music’s Ruach 5769, 2009
“D'ror Yikra” selected to appear on Alliance for A Cappella Initiatives' Sing IV, 2007
“Home” selected to appear on Transcontinental Music’s Ruach 5767, 2007
“Yigdal” selected to appear on Best of Jewish A Cappella, 2006
“L'cha Dodi” selected to appear on Moment Magazine’s childrens' music selections, 2006
“L'cha Dodi” selected to appear on Sameach Music’s A Cappella Treasury, Volume 1: Shabbos, 2005
Six13 songs and arrangements performed by ensembles all over the world
Angel City Chorale, Los Angeles, CA (Bohemian Chanukah)
Ani V'ata of NYU, New York, NY (Lecha Dodi)
The Chai Notes, Hofstra University (Hinei Mah Tov)
The ChaiNamics, University of Delaware (Hinei Mah Tov)
ChaiTunes, Emory University (Lecha Dodi)
Harmonia, Boulder, CO (Lecha Dodi)
The Harmonizers, Abraham Joshua Heschel School, New York, NY (Al Hanissim)
Hooshir of Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN (Lecha Dodi, Al Hanissim, Hatikvah)
Jewop, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison (Al Hanissim)
Kanfei Shira, Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel (Yigdal)
Krieger Schechter Lower School Choir, Baltimore, MD (Al Hanissim)
Kaskeset of Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY (Home, Lecha Dodi, Al Hanissim)
Kol Echad, The Milken School, Los Angeles, CA (Hatikvah, Al Hanissim)
Kol Hakavod, University of Michigan (Lecha Dodi)
KOLture Shock, Israel (Al Hanissim)
The Maccabeats, Yeshiva University (Al Hanissim, Ki Malachov, Mi Shema'amin, Yesh Tikvah)
Marak Hayom, Bethesa, MD (Lecha Dodi)
MTA Chorus, New York, NY (Al Hanissim)
Musica Ebraica, Ottawa, Canada (Racheim)
Ramaz High School Choir, New York, NY (Al Hanissim)
Shenaniganns, Gann Academy, Waltham, MA (Yigdal, Al Hanissim)
ShireiNU, Northwestern University (Ki L'olam Chasdo)
Shir Harmony, Atlanta, GA (Lecha Dodi)
Staam of Washington University in St. Louis (Lecha Dodi)
Techiya of MIT, Boston, MA (Home)
The Y-Studs, Yeshiva University (Al Hanissim, Hashem Melech)
Tizmoret, New York, NY (Al Hanissim)
Univox, Toronto, ON (Al Hanissim)
Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards
"5784" nominated for Best Holiday Song, 2024
"5784" nominated for Best Rock Song, 2024
"Era-lution of Taylor Swift (Chanukah’s version)" nominated for Best Humor Song, 2024
"Era-lution of Taylor Swift (Chanukah’s version)" nominated for Best Non-Scholastic Arrangement (Mike Boxer), 2024
"Avinu Shebashamayim" nominated for Best Religious Song, 2024
"The Prince of Egypt" nominated for Best Show Tunes / Soundtrack / Theme Song, 2024
"The Red Sea Shanty: A Pirate Passover" awarded Best Religious Song, 2022
"West Side Chanukah Story" awarded Best Humor Song, 2022
"West Side Chanukah Story" awarded runner-up, Best Holiday Song, 2022
"West Side Chanukah Story" nominated for Best Show Tunes / Soundtrack / Theme Song, 2022
Vol. 8: Lights awarded Best Religious Album, 2020
"Adon Olam" awarded Best Folk / World Song, 2020
"Bohemian Chanukah" awarded Best Humor Song, 2020
"A Star Wars Chanukah" awarded runner-up, Best Holiday Song, 2020
"White Light" nominated for Best Original Song by a Professional Group, 2020
"Bohemian Chanukah" awarded Best Humor Song, 2019
"Bohemian Chanukah" awarded runner-up, Best Holiday Song, 2019
"Mi Shebeirach" nominated for Best Classical/Traditional Song, 2019
"Mi Shebeirach" nominated for Best Religious Song, 2019
"Kedushah" nominated for Best Classical/Traditional Song, 2018
"Kedushah" nominated for Best Religious Song, 2018
"Seder Crew" awarded runner-up, Best Humor Song, 2018
Vol. 7: Brachot nominated for Best Religious Album, 2018
"Watch Me (Spin/Drey Drey)" awarded Best Humor Song, 2017
"High Holiday Mashup" nominated for Best Folk/World Song, 2016
"Uptown Passover" nominated for Best Humor Song, 2016
Vol. 6: Thirteen awarded runner-up for Best Religious Album, 2016
Vol. 6: Thirteen nominated for Best Holiday Album, 2016
"The Thanksgivukkah Anthem" awarded runner-up, Best Holiday Song, 2015
"The Thanksgivukkah Anthem" nominated for Best Original Song by a Professional Group, 2015
"Shana Tova" awarded Best Humor Song, 2015
Vol. 5: Believe nominated for Best Religious Album, 2014
"Haneirot Halalu" nominated for Best Religious Song, 2014
"Pesach Shop" nominated for Best Humor Song, 2014
"Good Shabbos" awarded Best Religious Song, 2013
"Good Shabbos" awarded Best Humor Song, 2013
Vol. 4: Zmanim awarded Best Religious Album, 2012
"I Light It" awarded Best Humor Song, 2012
"Hinei Mah Tov" nominated for Best Religious Song, 2012
"Tefillin" awarded Best Humor Song, 2011
"Ne'ilah" awarded Best Humor Song, 2009
Vol. 3: Yesh Chadash nominated for Best Religious Album, 2009
"D'ror Yikra" awarded Best Religious Song, 2008
Vol. 2: Encore awarded runner-up, Best Religious Album, 2008
"L'cha Dodi" awarded runner-up, Best Religious Song, 2006
Six13 awarded runner-up, Best Religious Album, 2006
Other Awards
Awarded second runners-up, 2024 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
Awarded best vocal percussionist (Josh Sauer), 2024 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
"Al Hanissim" awarded Best Original Song, 2024 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
"The Prince of Egypt" awarded Best Show Tunes / Soundtrack / Theme Song Video, 2024 A Cappella Video Awards
"Elton Johnukah" awarded Best Holiday Video, 2024 A Cappella Video Awards
"Elton Johnukah" awarded Best Humor Video, 2024 A Cappella Video Awards
"Elton Johnukah" nominated for Outstanding Costume / Makeup, 2024 A Cappella Video Awards
Vol. 8: Lights selected as one of the Recorded A Cappella Review Board's Top Picks of 2020
"White Light" selected as one of the Recorded A Cappella Review Board's Top Picks of 2020
Awarded Judges' Special Commendation, 2019 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
"Gam Ki Elech" awarded Best Original Song, 2019 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
Awarded runners-up, 2013 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
"Shema" awarded Best Original Song, 2013 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
Yesh Chadash selected as one of the Recorded A Cappella Review Board's Top Picks of 2009
"Al Hanissim" awarded Best Original Song, 2008 New York Harmony Sweepstakes
Encore selected as one of the Recorded A Cappella Review Board's Top Picks of 2007